Chapter Eleven
There is a Japanese proverb about vision without action being a daydream and action without vision being a nightmare. I am going to try laying out a positive vision for the future that will hopefully inspire actions to make the dream a reality. Everyone reading this has the power to help in their own way. Think about the possibilities if enough of us will work together.
Let’s start with fishery management. Enough people publicly support a shift in fishery management priorities to focus more on enhancement than enforcement that our leaders listen. Fishermen and fishery managers start working together to improve habitats while regionally stocking a wide variety of native seafood that can naturally reproduce. Hatchery Supported Quotas are established for each stocked species. We manage sustainable quotas with appropriate possession limits to avoid closures. Most size limits are abolished. A simple set of easy-to-understand regulations replaces the overly complex laws we have now. Seafood stocks quickly rebuild to historically high levels while we sustainably harvest more than ever before. Recreational fishermen are free to keep enough fish to make it worth going. Commercial fishermen can earn a reliable income supplying consumers with local seafood. Our Public Waters teem with marine life that lives wild and free. We have enough seafood readily available in our Public Waters to promote food security when other food supplies are disrupted. We would restore our freedom to fish and access our Public Resources from our Public Waters.
Successfully influencing fishery management policy with nothing more than public support inspires enough people to stand united on other issues. Individuals from all walks of life call for a Stop-and-Review policy at all levels of government before the next election. We also find candidates who will follow our lead to run for local offices. We win a County Commissioner seat and have our Public Servant promote Stop-and-Review until it is approved by the Commission. That county openly reviews all laws and ordinances online while inviting residents to be involved in the process. Outdated and senseless regulations are removed while others are amended or left alone if they make sense. We’d discuss sustainable growth and how much we want to see. The idea of a Community Commerce Co-op comes up during the review process that shows Public Utilities being sold and economic development incentives being used to bring in outside corporations. Those incentives are directed at the Co-op to create revenue from Public Resources and retain ownership of Public Utilities. We consider ventures like lining public roads with vertical windmills that collect kinetic energy from passing cars and funneled winds to produce power and profit for us. This sets an example for other concerned citizens until Stop-and-Review is adopted by state and local governments across America. Positive results and public support convince federal agencies and Congress to stop passing new laws while we review what is already on the books. This process results in many federal powers being delegated to state and local levels as our United States Constitution intended. The federal government starts focusing mostly on national defense and paying off the mountain of debt politicians accumulated.
People across the Earth notice these positive changes that are enriching and empowering us while limiting the power politicians and corporations have over us. They start their own Stop-and-Review movements with similar results.
Many of those in power would resist the changes while desperately clinging to power. We would have to overcome some difficult obstacles the powers that be will put in our path to freedom. Enough of us will see through their lies and propaganda as we tell the truth and show positive results that make the difference clear for anyone willing to think for themselves. There will always be a few sheeple who will not go along with anything but what the politicians they worship demand. We can’t let a few partisan extremists keep most of us from doing what is best for the rest.
Freedom is flourishing globally as we peacefully change the course of history. Enough of us stand united in our calls for peace that most wars cease. Economic sanctions and consumer boycotts persuade reluctant regimes to negotiate peaceful conflict resolutions. Power returns to local people everywhere. Criminal Laws focus mostly on violent crimes that rapidly decline as repeat offenders are isolated from civilized society. Financial freedom from Public Resource revenue payments eliminates the need for most social welfare programs so taxes can be reduced. This allows people to keep more of our money to spend how we wish rather than letting politicians decide for us. A cycle of personal empowerment continues to promote peace, prosperity, and liberty for all until it is the new normal.
This brief summary of what could happen if enough people embraced some Freedom Philosophy ideas paints a rosy picture that is not out of the realm of possibility. Think about what you want your life to look like in the future. Don’t most of us hope for the best? Wouldn’t a bleak outlook be more likely to trend in that direction? It is important to have a positive vision for what we want to happen in the future while being aware of the negative possibilities. Understanding bad things that could happen helps us think about how to avoid them. Now is the time to form a positive vision that future generations will be thankful for. It is doubtful they would be thankful for much of what we have done lately to limit their personal liberty and ability to pursue happiness. Let’s start thinking about the impact our decisions will have on us and following generations, so our future is more like a dream than a nightmare.
Let’s start with fishery management. Enough people publicly support a shift in fishery management priorities to focus more on enhancement than enforcement that our leaders listen. Fishermen and fishery managers start working together to improve habitats while regionally stocking a wide variety of native seafood that can naturally reproduce. Hatchery Supported Quotas are established for each stocked species. We manage sustainable quotas with appropriate possession limits to avoid closures. Most size limits are abolished. A simple set of easy-to-understand regulations replaces the overly complex laws we have now. Seafood stocks quickly rebuild to historically high levels while we sustainably harvest more than ever before. Recreational fishermen are free to keep enough fish to make it worth going. Commercial fishermen can earn a reliable income supplying consumers with local seafood. Our Public Waters teem with marine life that lives wild and free. We have enough seafood readily available in our Public Waters to promote food security when other food supplies are disrupted. We would restore our freedom to fish and access our Public Resources from our Public Waters.
Successfully influencing fishery management policy with nothing more than public support inspires enough people to stand united on other issues. Individuals from all walks of life call for a Stop-and-Review policy at all levels of government before the next election. We also find candidates who will follow our lead to run for local offices. We win a County Commissioner seat and have our Public Servant promote Stop-and-Review until it is approved by the Commission. That county openly reviews all laws and ordinances online while inviting residents to be involved in the process. Outdated and senseless regulations are removed while others are amended or left alone if they make sense. We’d discuss sustainable growth and how much we want to see. The idea of a Community Commerce Co-op comes up during the review process that shows Public Utilities being sold and economic development incentives being used to bring in outside corporations. Those incentives are directed at the Co-op to create revenue from Public Resources and retain ownership of Public Utilities. We consider ventures like lining public roads with vertical windmills that collect kinetic energy from passing cars and funneled winds to produce power and profit for us. This sets an example for other concerned citizens until Stop-and-Review is adopted by state and local governments across America. Positive results and public support convince federal agencies and Congress to stop passing new laws while we review what is already on the books. This process results in many federal powers being delegated to state and local levels as our United States Constitution intended. The federal government starts focusing mostly on national defense and paying off the mountain of debt politicians accumulated.
People across the Earth notice these positive changes that are enriching and empowering us while limiting the power politicians and corporations have over us. They start their own Stop-and-Review movements with similar results.
Many of those in power would resist the changes while desperately clinging to power. We would have to overcome some difficult obstacles the powers that be will put in our path to freedom. Enough of us will see through their lies and propaganda as we tell the truth and show positive results that make the difference clear for anyone willing to think for themselves. There will always be a few sheeple who will not go along with anything but what the politicians they worship demand. We can’t let a few partisan extremists keep most of us from doing what is best for the rest.
Freedom is flourishing globally as we peacefully change the course of history. Enough of us stand united in our calls for peace that most wars cease. Economic sanctions and consumer boycotts persuade reluctant regimes to negotiate peaceful conflict resolutions. Power returns to local people everywhere. Criminal Laws focus mostly on violent crimes that rapidly decline as repeat offenders are isolated from civilized society. Financial freedom from Public Resource revenue payments eliminates the need for most social welfare programs so taxes can be reduced. This allows people to keep more of our money to spend how we wish rather than letting politicians decide for us. A cycle of personal empowerment continues to promote peace, prosperity, and liberty for all until it is the new normal.
This brief summary of what could happen if enough people embraced some Freedom Philosophy ideas paints a rosy picture that is not out of the realm of possibility. Think about what you want your life to look like in the future. Don’t most of us hope for the best? Wouldn’t a bleak outlook be more likely to trend in that direction? It is important to have a positive vision for what we want to happen in the future while being aware of the negative possibilities. Understanding bad things that could happen helps us think about how to avoid them. Now is the time to form a positive vision that future generations will be thankful for. It is doubtful they would be thankful for much of what we have done lately to limit their personal liberty and ability to pursue happiness. Let’s start thinking about the impact our decisions will have on us and following generations, so our future is more like a dream than a nightmare.