Chapter Twelve
This chapter about what is happening as time goes on will start with the 2024 election to finish this edition of the book. We will see how history and this chapter evolve over the years. I have intentionally referenced dates and point out pauses in writing, so readers know the timeframe this is being written. The interesting times in which we live will continue shaping this philosophy. We should never stop being open to new ideas.
The upcoming election has so many people worried that I feel it deserves more attention before publishing this edition. There have been big changes since writing about my profound disappointment in having to pick between the same old divisive presidential candidates. There was an assassination attempt on one as the other dropped out amid concerns about his cognitive decline. The one who survived being shot was humbled briefly before quickly returning to spewing his alienating rhetoric. The selected replacement for the one that dropped out reminds me of a song by The Who called, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. The lyrics ring as true today as when they were written about how political power has had the same corrupting influence throughout history. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. Looks like we could get fooled again regardless of who wins.
I have serious concerns about what either candidate will do if given power and how the losing side will react. We are not electing a king or dictator despite recent presidents acting like one or the other, especially during their first hundred days.
Wouldn’t it be great if the next president announced a hundred day Stop-and-Review period to hear from concerned citizens about what we want to happen instead of rushing to advance their agenda with dozens of Executive Orders? How many of us do you think would have to ask for that to happen since there is almost no chance of it happening otherwise?
Please do not lose hope if the candidate you fear most wins. Let it be motivation for thinking about how we can move beyond picking the “lesser of two evils”. Consider the wisdom of limiting presidential powers that have expanded far beyond the Founder’s Original Intent. Reject mob mentalities that foment aggression out of frustration. Try to be gracious in victory or defeat. Forgo retribution in favor of reconciliation.
Keep in mind that many voters wish there was a better option. It is completely understandable how some people could see either candidate as a threat to the freedoms they cherish most. This is a chance for the middle majority to be a voice of reason that brings thinkers from both sides together in support of freedom. We can’t let a few angry fringe fanatics drag the rest of us down with them into a hate-filled pit of despair. Simply supporting a candidate does not make one a fanatic, hate does.
Now is the time to decide if we want to move toward more self-governance at the local level or keep heading toward more centralized control at the national and international level. Which path do you think has a better chance of promoting the individual liberties that collectively make us free people?
The votes were counted while waiting for a printed proof. Some changes needed to be made, so I am going to briefly touch on the results in this revised version. A comfortable victory made it clear enough who won that the count is uncontested. We seem to be on the path to a peaceful transfer of power. It is time to start thinking about how we can begin healing the deep divisions that still exist. Those on the winning side need to understand that the vote was much closer than it looks on red and blue maps. A minor voting shift could have switched enough swing states to reverse the results. The winning side should be gracious and promote reconciliation by setting an example for how to respectfully work together. This is a chance for conservatives to practice what has been preached about less intrusive government and freedom of the individual to exercise self-determination. Now is the time for thinkers across the political spectrum to stand united in support of freedom.
Received 300 copies of the book several days ago. I think they look great and those who have read one seem to like it. My dog was so sick and in need of constant care that I really haven’t had a chance to promote it since they arrived. Bud crossed the Rainbow Bridge to heaven’s beautiful shore this morning November 21, 2024 to wait for me in the sweet by and by. Anyone who has lost a special dog they love dearly knows how I feel. The origin of referring to dogs as “Man’s Best Friend” comes from George Vest’s closing arguments in a court case. His touching words are well worth reading. Today is also World Philosophy Day, so I am going ease my pain by waxing philosophical on some topics related to Bud’s life and death.
Faith and philosophy often intertwine as we ponder the purpose of life and what comes next. Watching pets pass reminds us that our time and that of those we love is limited. Most of us believe we will be reunited with loved ones who go before us when it is our turn. Some say there will be no pets in heaven. How do they know? Nobody knows what heaven looks like. Jesus said we should ask for what we want. I have asked for Bud to be accepted into the perfect version of heaven I believe God is preparing for each of us. The belief that my request has already been honored comforts me in this time of mourning.
Having control of my time allowed me to work around Cindy’s schedule so one of us could always be there to help Bud in his time of need. Knowing our time together was coming to an end encouraged me to spend more time enjoying his company and reminiscing. I would hold my frail little Jack Russell and rub a velvety ear between my thumb and forefinger while singing this song to him that was in a commercial years ago. “You’re my buddy, my pal, my friend. It will be that way until the end. Wherever you go I want you to know. You’re my buddy, my pal, my friend.” I am not sure he even knew who I was for a while, but he could feel love and return it. The balance of joy and suffering was gradually tipping toward the latter for years. Making the decision to end his suffering was one of the hardest things I ever did. I had prayed for Bud to pass in his sleep, so I didn’t have to decide. Some prayers go unanswered. Bud rested his head on my leg as the vet helped him pass peacefully while I wept. Holding his lifeless body felt so final. An empty, uneasy feeling in my gut lingers. I miss my buddy, my pal, my friend.
The freedom to use our time making memories that matter is something we all want. Getting a paycheck from well-managed Public Resources would help us all have a little more control of our time. We could start shifting the workforce away from selling the best of our time in the prime of our life toward freelance work as independent contractors controlling our time. One of the downsides to traditional real jobs is that you must be there almost every day regardless of what is happening in your life. With automation and Artificial Intelligence able to do more of our jobs every day, we have a chance to free ourselves from having to be at work all the time. Many jobs requiring people to do them could be filled by independent contractors who work when they need or want to make extra money. This would give us the freedom to be with our pets and other loved ones in their time of need without the risk of losing a job. It would also free us to pursue happiness in other ways. We could spend more time making memories that matter while we still can.
Delivering calendars and promoting the book yesterday took my mind off missing Bud until it was time to go home. Sadness settled in as the reality he would not be there hit me. I always looked forward to seeing him after being at sea or away for whatever reason. His aging face would light up as I petted him and asked if he missed me. It was obvious he had. Talking with Bud was a one-way conversation that allowed me to share feelings without judgement, just loving looks of gratitude for being together. He had a gift for empathy that was comforting. Time will ease the pain, but there will forever be a little piece of my heart hurting until we are reunited.
Bud’s hips weakened until he could hardly walk or get up when he fell. I would walk beside him so he could brace against my leg until that wasn’t working anymore. Looking in pet stores and online for things to help proved fruitless. Being somewhat of a hoarder offered the chance to come up with a solution. A three-foot piece of old PVC pipe with a T connector on one end was just what we needed. A long leash was passed down the T to the other end with a few inches of slack at the snap that attached to his shoulder harness. The loop end was secured around the T with a few half hitch knots, leaving enough slack to use the loop. This simple setup was stiff enough to give Bud the support he needed to walk further than he had in a long time. We even got to walk on the beach up until his last day. Holding the pipe below the T let it rest on my forearm so I could easily support and guide Bud as we walked. The vet said we should patent that idea since she had never seen it before.
There is a saying about necessity being the mother of invention. It is one thing to invent something and quite another to patent the idea. Experience on boats and with hurricanes has inspired some necessary inventions that should be patented. Talking with an attorney revealed how prohibitively expensive the patent process is. Writing in a published book about the invention to help Bud keep his legs under him is a way of staking my claim to the Rights for “Bud’s Legacy”. You are welcome to make your own, but I plan on pursuing a patent for production. Many of us have thought of things we think should be patented without having the time or treasure to follow through with getting a patent that might never produce income.
The upcoming administration is planning to establish a Department of Government Efficiency also known as DOGE. Cutting jobs will be part of the process. It is tempting to feel like the fishery managers who are trying to destroy my job deserve the same treatment. That is not a good way to think. It sucks having your means of providing for yourself taken away. Wishing that on anyone is wrong. I would like to see a hiring freeze with existing government employees given the option of using their talents in positive ways until they retire. Fishery managers could focus on making our fisheries great again. Some federal employees could assist in shifting governing powers to the state and local level where they might be able to find new jobs. Others could be reassigned as patent officials to help every American have a chance to patent ideas. Imagine the ingenuity we would unleash with monetary incentives that accompany owning the Rights to our inventions and intellectual property. These patents could create new economic opportunities that promote personal and public prosperity locally across America. Treating our government employees with respect rather than contempt could help all of us live better lives in the long run.
Energy production will be one of the next president’s top priorities. Now is the time for us to think about how we can ensure our Public Resources will be used in ways that produce public profit paychecks for all of us. Our federal employees in jeopardy of losing their jobs would have an incentive to help us come up with ways to manage our Public Resources so they can keep getting a paycheck along with everyone else. Losing a job does not have to be as financially devastating as it is now.
Getting a public profit paycheck would have given me the freedom to spend more time with Bud before his time was up. These paychecks might not pay all the bills or fund vacations and life’s luxuries, but they could help us meet our basic needs. I would have loved to spend all day with Bud every day for his last month or two when he needed me most. Spending that time with Bud would have also given me more time to write this book and do things around the house that get put off when paying the bills takes priority. Have you ever been in a situation like this where extra income would make it easier to follow your heart?
Time is taking the sting out of Bud’s passing as grief is replaced with fond memories. The regret and remorse I felt about deciding to end Bud’s suffering is fading with hindsight making it clear the right decision was made. Bud had several health issues causing him pain and he stopped eating all but small bites of the most tempting treats. His last meal was some turkey from a Thanksgiving dinner we had early in his honor to give thanks for the time we had together. Letting Bud die a slow painful death just so I could have a few more days with him would have been cruel and selfish. He was the best Bud ever and deserved better. I love and miss my Bud. He will always have a special place in my heart until the end of my time.
Life goes on no matter what is happening in our lives. We must keep on going too. Some people are worried about what the next administration will do. Others are optimistic. Many are not sure what to expect. I think we should respectfully make a few realistic requests most reasonable people can support.
The DOGE seems like a good place for Stop-and-Review to be implemented in our federal government. An official website should be set up to share information and give us a way to offer ideas. Polling can show where We the People stand on various issues and influence outcomes. Would you support this?
Seeing many on the left fearful federal powers will be abused and most on the right saying they want to limit federal powers; it seems as if most of us should support reining in federal powers. We should follow Constitutional guidelines for delegating most governing authority to local governments and individuals. This should include personal autonomy and local control of our Public Resources. Would you support this?
Immigration and deportations are controversial topics we should consider compassionately. The border should be closed to all illegal crossings as we continue allowing legal immigration. Deportations should focus on those who have committed crimes in America or have violent criminal records. Obviously, those on terror watch lists should also be deported. Families and law-abiding refugees who were basically invited here should be given a chance to stay in sanctuary cities and other communities willing to welcome them. Sending people back to a nightmare nation they risked everything to flee will cause unimaginable hardships and even death for many deportees. Innocent people simply trying to escape crushing poverty and political corruption should not be treated the same as criminals and terrorists. We should have mercy on the misled and downtrodden looking for a better life. Would you support this?
The key to any or all these reasonable requests being honored is for enough of us to publicly stand united in peaceful support of them. If we stay divided and can’t agree on anything or just remain silent, those with the most extreme views and loudest voices will control the outcome for all of us. Now is the time for those of us in the middle majority to stand united in support of practical solutions that promote freedom. Many of those who identify with a political party are also part of the middle majority. There is a small minority on the political fringes who will blindly support whatever their leaders demand. Do you want them dictating how the rest of us will be governed? Please don’t let fear or apathy keep you quiet and submissive. We only need to speak up to stay free and see liberating policies put in place. Being realistic, reasonable, and respectful is the best way to be heard. Doing nothing will give us what we deserve.
One party will soon have complete control of the US House, Senate, and Presidency. The margins are razor thin in Congress and almost half of voters voted against the President Elect. We are a divided country that needs to find a way to get along before we fall. The political pendulum has been swinging further left and right with every election for decades. It is time for the middle majority to grab the pendulum of power and stop the madness before it tears our country apart. We need to be a voice of reason that helps heal our divisions by offering common-sense solutions that promote peace, prosperity, and liberty for all. Would you rather be part of healing our nation or tearing it apart? Now is the time for those of us who love America and freedom to peacefully fight for what is right.
Thanksgiving of 2024 started with a solo walk on the beach to watch an awesome sunrise featuring exquisite colors highlighting low clouds as a dark thunderstorm offshore offered excellent contrast. Flashes of lightning in the distance and seagulls surfing in the wind around Oceanna Pier completed a panoramic view to be thankful for witnessing. It reminded me of our 2022 Thanksgiving spent cruising the Aegean Sea on our privileged pilgrimage to the Holy Land. A dozen or so of us gathered in the upper room for a sunrise service to give thanks. God displayed His wonderous works through a wall of windows that revealed cresting waves, ancient mountains, scattered storms, and even a vivid rainbow that looked as if it was close enough to touch the ship at times. We sang How Great Thou Art acapella in one of those rare harmonic moments that moves the silent soul to boldly sing with melodic shouts of acclimation, How Great Thou Art. I am thankful for that memory and so much more that makes me blessed beyond belief.
Thank you for reading about this Freedom Philosophy that boils down to respecting each other while managing our Public Servants and Public Resources in ways that enrich and empower all of us. Please share the website with anyone you think might be interested. Read more of this chapter as it continues and check out the calendar at: