The time has come to finally have this book printed in November of 2024. It is still a work in progress that will be updated annually. The world is in such turmoil that it feels necessary to go ahead despite the writing weaknesses that will quickly reveal I am no literary genius. Please consider keeping this book in the bathroom to read a page or two as time permits. Some may say it belongs in the toilet. Hopefully, you find it to be full of thought-provoking ideas worth considering.
Freedom is something everyone wants even though we all have different ideas about what it means. I believe freedom is basically the ability to spend our time pursuing happiness as we wish. We must be respectful of each other’s freedoms if we expect to keep our own. One of the goals with this book is to bring thinkers from all walks of life together in support of the individual liberties that collectively make us free people.
Thinking about freedom can be uncomfortable as we consider different points of view that challenge our worldview. It is important to understand the reality of where we are at this point in time and where we have been. We should learn from past mistakes and success to form a clear vision for how we want to move forward from here. We should also consider the unintended consequences of well-intentioned concepts. Moral laws usually cause more problems than they solve. Choosing freedom isn’t always easy as it requires us to let each other pursue our own version of happiness.
Most of you will disagree with something in this book. I don’t like some of what freedom requires me to accept. Supporting a freedom doesn’t mean you condone associated actions. We can still try to respectfully persuade people not to do certain things without threatening to take their freedom.
The world is quickly changing whether we like it or not. Now is the time for us to think about how we can maximize the positive aspects while minimizing any negative impacts of these changes. Technology is opening doors to new possibilities faster than ever before. Working together is the key to capitalizing on these new opportunities in ways that benefit all of us. We need to stop letting those who seek power keep dividing us over every little thing. These divisions give them the power to control us and our resources. We can enrich and empower ourselves through wise management of our Public Resources and Public Servants if enough of us are willing to try.
This Freedom Philosophy is a gift to the world that is given freely out of a love for freedom. I humbly offer it as an olive branch to everyone regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other differences we may have. A warm welcome awaits anyone willing to think about the ideas expressed in this book. We are all in this together and need to make the best of our situation. You are welcome to join me in a discussion on the website where you can also read the book for free. Please share the website as part of a grassroots effort to promote freedom. Thank you!
Freedom is something everyone wants even though we all have different ideas about what it means. I believe freedom is basically the ability to spend our time pursuing happiness as we wish. We must be respectful of each other’s freedoms if we expect to keep our own. One of the goals with this book is to bring thinkers from all walks of life together in support of the individual liberties that collectively make us free people.
Thinking about freedom can be uncomfortable as we consider different points of view that challenge our worldview. It is important to understand the reality of where we are at this point in time and where we have been. We should learn from past mistakes and success to form a clear vision for how we want to move forward from here. We should also consider the unintended consequences of well-intentioned concepts. Moral laws usually cause more problems than they solve. Choosing freedom isn’t always easy as it requires us to let each other pursue our own version of happiness.
Most of you will disagree with something in this book. I don’t like some of what freedom requires me to accept. Supporting a freedom doesn’t mean you condone associated actions. We can still try to respectfully persuade people not to do certain things without threatening to take their freedom.
The world is quickly changing whether we like it or not. Now is the time for us to think about how we can maximize the positive aspects while minimizing any negative impacts of these changes. Technology is opening doors to new possibilities faster than ever before. Working together is the key to capitalizing on these new opportunities in ways that benefit all of us. We need to stop letting those who seek power keep dividing us over every little thing. These divisions give them the power to control us and our resources. We can enrich and empower ourselves through wise management of our Public Resources and Public Servants if enough of us are willing to try.
This Freedom Philosophy is a gift to the world that is given freely out of a love for freedom. I humbly offer it as an olive branch to everyone regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other differences we may have. A warm welcome awaits anyone willing to think about the ideas expressed in this book. We are all in this together and need to make the best of our situation. You are welcome to join me in a discussion on the website where you can also read the book for free. Please share the website as part of a grassroots effort to promote freedom. Thank you!